
2024 New Picture Book Arrivals

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The Really Evil Weevil

Russell Punter

National Trust: Look What I Found by the River

Jesus Verona

Dandelion's Tale, The

Margaret Anne Suggs
In this allegory of immigration, the dandelions - who are just weeds after all - are forced to move on when they are confronted with tools, machines and potions. So they float, taking their hopes with them, and go on a journey to find a peaceful place to reseed and settle.

Shy Book, The

Howard Pearlstein
A book wants to be read, it really does, but it has a problem. It's feeling shy. It's also worried that the reader will find it silly or, worse, boring. So the book recommends that the reader choose a different book, because surely another book will be better. But what if the reader keeps going?

Frog in a Fog

Marielle Bayliss
A groovy frog is forced to cut short his boogie session as a foul fog engulfs his swamp. Dusting himself off, he soon breaks out the hippity-hop in the fen. As Frog keeps bounding from place to place hoping to find somewhere to call home, he starts to feel hopeless. Will he ever find a home away from all the fumes, litter and sewage?

Ebb and Flo: A Blowy Day

Kate Canning
It's a very blowy day, so Ebb, Flo, Ma and Bird go to Granny's house to check on her. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows Granny's washing and Flo's kite away. Will they be able to get them back?

Albert and the Flood

Ian Brown
Heavy rain has drenched the garden and the lawn is waterlogged. The garden's annual sports day is in jeopardy! Can Albert come up with a plan to save the day? Albert and his friends make a splash and learn it's not always winning that's important.

America's Dreaming

Bob McKinnon