
Princeton University Press

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Heretics!: The Wondrous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy

Steven Nadler

In the Midst of Things: The Social Lives of Objects in the Public Spaces of New York City

Mike Owen Benediktsson

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception

George A. Akerlof
PREFACE vii INTRODUCTION Expect to Be Manipulated: Phishing Equilibrium 1 PART ONE Unpaid Bills and Financial Crash CHAPTER ONE Temptation Strews Our Path 15 CHAPTER TWO Reputation Mining and Financial Crisis 23 PART TWO Phishing in Many Contexts CHAPTER THREE Advertisers Discover How to Zoom In on Our Weak Spots 45 CHAPTER FOUR Rip-offs Regarding Cars, Houses, and Credit Cards 60 CHAPTER FIVE Phishing in Politics 72 CHAPTER SIX Phood, Pharma, and Phishing 84 CHAPTER SEVEN Innovation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 96 CHAPTER EIGHT Tobacco and Alcohol 103 CHAPTER NINE Bankruptcy for Profit 117 CHAPTER TEN Michael Milken Phishes with Junk Bonds as Bait 124 CHAPTER ELEVEN The Resistance and Its Heroes 136 PART THREE Conclusion and Afterword CONCLUSION: EXAMPLES AND GENERAL LESSONS New Story in America and Its Consequences 149 AFTERWORD The Significance of Phishing Equilibrium 163 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 175 NOTES 181 BIBLIOGRAPHY 233 INDEX 257

Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age

W. Bernard Carlson
List of Illustrations ix CHAPTER ONE An Ideal Childhood (1856-1878) 12 CHAPTER TWO Dreaming of Motors (1878-1882) 34 CHAPTER THREE Learning by Doing (1882-1886) 60 CHAPTER FOUR Mastering Alternating Current (1886-1888) 76 CHAPTER FIVE Selling the Motor (1888-1889) 100 CHAPTER SIX Searching for a New Ideal (1889-1891) 117 CHAPTER SEVEN A Veritable Magician (1891) 129 CHAPTER EIGHT Taking the Show to Europe (1891-1892) 143 CHAPTER NINE Pushing Alternating Current in America (1892-1893) 158 CHAPTER TEN Wireless Lighting and the Oscillator (1893-1894) 176 CHAPTER ELEVEN Efforts at Promotion (1894-1895) 193 CHAPTER TWELVE Looking for Alternatives (1895-1898) 214 CHAPTER THIRTEEN Stationary Waves (1899-1900) 262 CHAPTER FOURTEEN Wardenclyffe (1900-1901) 302 CHAPTER FIFTEEN The Dark Tower (1901-1905) 331 CHAPTER SIXTEEN Visionary to the End (1905-1943) 368 EPILOGUE 396 Note on Sources 415 Abbreviations and Sources 421 Notes 423 Acknowledgments 473 Index 477

The Biodiversity Gardener: Establishing a Legacy for the Natural World

Paul Sterry

The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion

Marcel Gauchet
Foreword by Charles Taylor Ix Introduction 3 Part One: THE METAMORPHOSES OF THE DIVINE THE ORIGIN, MEANING, AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE RELIGIOUS The Historicity of the Religious 21 CHAPTER 1 Primeval Religion or the Reign of the Absolute Past 23 CHAPTER 2 The State as Sacral Transforming Agent 33 Hierarchy 37 Domination 39 Conquest 41 The Axial Age 43 CHAPTER 3 The Dynamics of Transcendence 47 Distancing God and Understanding the World 51 Divine Greatness, Human Liberty 57 From Myth to Reason 62 From Dependence to Autonomy 64 CHAPTER 4 From Immersion in Nature to Transforming Nature 67 Indebtedness to the Gods, the Inter-Human Bond, and the Relation to Things 68 THE POLITICAL MACHINE 70 THE VITALITY OF CHANGE 72 The Other World and Appropriating This World 74 Heaven and Earth: Christianity's Specificity 76 ORTHODOXY AND HERESY 79 INCARNATION AND INTERPRETATION 81 PRAYER AND WORK 84 The Structure of Terrestrial Integrity 86 THE CROWDED WORLD 87 COLLECTIVE PERMANENCE 88 PEACE 92 HOMO OECONOMICUS 94 Part Two: THE APOGEE AND DEATH OF GOD CHRISTIANITY AND WESTERN DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 5 The Powers of the Divine Subject 101 A Religion for Departing from Religion 101 Israel. Inventing God-as-One 107 MOSES: DOMINATING DOMINATION 108 THE COVENANT AND TRIAL BY ADVERSITY 109 THE PROPHETS 110 Jesus: The God-Man 115 MESSIANISM 115 THE SECOND MOSES 117 AN INVERTED MESSIAH 118 SAINT PAUL: THE UNIVERSAL GOD 124 CHRISTOLOGY 125 CONQUERING THE CONQUERORS 127 The Christian Revolution: Faith, Church, King 130 The Greeks: The Religion of Reason 44 The Turn toward Equality 151 CHAPTER 6 Figures of the Human Subject 162 Being-a-Self: Consciousness, the Unconscious 166 Collective-Being. Governing the Future 172 FROM SUBJUGATED SOCIETY TO SOCIAL-SUBJECT 173 THE AGE OF IDEOLOGY 176 THE CHILD AND THE FUTURE 179 BUREAUCRACY, DEMOCRACY 180 THE POWER OF THE IDENTICAL AND THE SOCIETY OF THE NEW 185 Living-with-Ourselves: Absorbing the Other 190 POLITICAL CONFLICT 191 THE SEPARATION OF THE STATE 195 The Religious after Religion 200 Notes 209 Bibliography 221 Index 225

The Midnight Washerwoman and Other Tales of Lower Brittany

Francois-Marie Luzel

The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition

Jacob Grimm
List of Figures xv Acknowledgments xvii Introduction: Rediscovering the Original Tales of the Brothers Grimm xix Note on the Text and Translation xlv VOLUME I PREFACE TO VOLUME I 3 1. The Frog King, or Iron Henry (Der Froschkonig oder der eiserne Heinrich) 13 2. The Companionship of the Cat and Mouse (Katz und Maus in Gesellschaft) 16 3. The Virgin Mary's Child (Marienkind) 17 4. Good Bowling and Card Playing (Gut Kegel-und Kartenspiel) 21 5. The Wolf and the Seven Kids (Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geisslein) 23 6. The Nightingale and the Blindworm (Von der Nachtigall und der Blindschleiche) 25 7. The Stolen Pennies (Von dem gestohlenen Heller) 26 8. The Hand with the Knife (Die Hand mit dem Messer) 26 9. The Twelve Brothers (Die zwolf Bruder) 27 10. Riffraff (Das Lumpengesindel) 32 11. Little Brother and Little Sister (Bruderchen und Schwesterchen) 34 12. Rapunzel (Rapunzel) 37 13. The Three Little Men in the Forest (Die drei Mannlein im Walde) 40 14. Nasty Flax Spinning (Von dem bosen Flachsspinnen) 42 15. Hansel and Gretel (Hansel und Gretel) 43 16. Herr Fix-It-Up (Herr Fix und Fertig) 49 17. The White Snake (Die weisse Schlange) 53 18. The Journey of the Straw, the Coal, and the Bean (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne auf der Reise) 55 19. The Fisherman and His Wife (Von den Fischer und siine Fru) 56 20. A Story about a Brave Tailor (Von einem tapfern Schneider) 62 21. Cinderella (Aschenputtel) 69 22. How Some Children Played at Slaughtering (Wie Kinder Schlachtens mit einander gespielt haben) 77 23. The Little Mouse, the Little Bird, and the Sausage (Von dem Mauschen, Vogelchen und der Bratwurst) 79 24. Mother Holle (Frau Holle) 81 25. The Three Ravens (Die drei Raben) 83 26. Little Red Cap (Rothkappchen) 85 27. Death and the Goose Boy (Der Tod und der Ganshirt) 88 28. The Singing Bone (Der singende Knochen) 89 29. The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs (Von dem Teufel mit drei goldenen Haaren) 92 30. Little Louse and Little Flea (Lauschen und Flohchen) 97 31. Maiden without Hands (Madchen ohne Hande) 99 32. Clever Hans (Der gescheidte Hans) 103 33. Puss in Boots (Der gestiefelte Kater) 110 34. Hans's Trina (Hansens Trine) 115 35. The Sparrow and His Four Children (Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder) 116 36. The Little Magic Table, the Golden Donkey, and the Club in the Sack (Von dem Tischgen deck dich, dem Goldesel und dem Knuppel in dem Sack) 119 37. The Tablecloth, the Knapsack, the Cannon Hat, and the Horn (Von der Serviette, dem Tornister, dem Kanonenhutlein und dem Horn) 126 38. Mrs. Fox (Von der Frau Fuchsin) 129 39. The Elves (Von den Wichtelmannern) 132 About the Shoemaker for Whom They Did the Work (Von dem Schuster, dem sie die Arbeit gemacht) 132 About a Servant Girl Who Acted as Godmother (Von einem Dienstmadchen, das Gevatter bei ihnen gestanden) 133 About a Woman Whose Child They Had Exchanged (Von einer Frau, der sie das Kind vertauscht haben) 133 40. The Robber Bridegroom (Der Rauberbrautigam) 135 41. Herr Korbes (Herr Korbes) 137 42. The Godfather (Der Herr Gevatter) 138 43. The Strange Feast (Die wunderliche Gasterei) 141 44. Godfather Death (Der Gevatter Tod) 142 45. The Wandering of Thumbling, the Tailor's Son (Des Schneiders Daumerling Wanderschaft) 143 46. Fitcher's Bird (Fitchers Vogel) 146 47. The Juniper Tree (Van den Machandel-Boom) 148 48. Old Sultan (Der alte Sultan) 158 49. The Six Swans (Die sechs Schwane) 159 50. Briar Rose (Dornroschen) 162 51. The Foundling (Vom Fundevogel) 165 52. King Thrushbeard (Konig Drosselbart) 167 53. Little Snow White (Sneewittchen [Schneeweisschen]) 170 54. Simple Hans (Hans Dumm) 178 55. Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstilzchen) 181 56. Sweetheart Roland (Der liebste Roland) 182 57. The Golden Bird (Vom goldenen Vogel) 185 58. Loyal Godfather Sparrow (Vom treuen Gevatter Sperling) 191 59. Prince Swan (Prinz Schwan) 194 60. The Golden Egg (Das Goldei) 197 61. The Tailor Who Soon Became Rich (Von dem Schneider, der bald reich wurde) 199 62. Bluebeard (Blaubart) 202 63. The Golden Children (Goldkinder) 205 64. The Simpleton (Von dem Dummling) 207 The White Dove (Die weisse Taube) 207 The Queen Bee (Die Bienenkonigin) 208 The Three Feathers (Die drei Federn) 210 The Golden Goose (Die goldene Gans) 212 65. All Fur (Allerleirauh) 216 66. Hurleburlebutz (Hurleburlebutz) 220 67. The King with the Lion (Der Konig mit dem Lowen) 223 68. The Summer and the Winter Garden (Von dem Sommer-und Wintergarten) 225 69. Jorinda and Joringel ( Jorinde und Joringel) 227 70. Okerlo (Der Okerlo) 230 71. Princess Mouseskin (Prinzessin Mausehaut) 233 72. The Pear Refused to Fall (Das Birnli will nit fallen) 234 73. The Castle of Murder (Das Mordschloss) 236 74. Johannes Waterspring and Caspar Waterspring (Von Johannes-Wassersprung und Caspar-Wassersprung) 238 75. The Bird Phoenix (Vogel Phonix) 241 76. The Carnation (Die Nelke) 242 77. The Carpenter and the Turner (Vom Schreiner und Drechsler) 244 78. The Old Grandfather and the Grandson (Der alte Grossvater und der Enkel) 245 79. The Water Nixie (Die Wassernix) 246 80. The Death of Little Hen (Von dem Tod des Huhnchens) 246 81. The Blacksmith and the Devil (Der Schmidt und der Teufel) 248 82. The Three Sisters (Die drei Schwestem) 251 83. The Poor Maiden (Das arme Madchen) 262 84. The Mother-in-Law (Die Schwiegermutter) 263 85. Fragments (Fragmente) 264 Snowflower (Schneeblume) 264 The Princess with the Louse (Prinzessin mit der Laus) 264 Prince Johannes (Vom Prinz Johannes) 265 The Good Cloth (Der gute Lappen) 265 86. The Fox and the Geese (Der Fuchs und die Ganse) 265 VOLUME II PREFACE TO VOLUME II 269 1. The Poor Man and the Rich Man (Der Arme und der Reiche) 274 2. The Singing, Springing Lark (Das singende, springende Loweneckerchen) 277 3. The Goose Girl (Die Gansemagd) 283 4. The Young Giant (Von einem jungen Riesen) 289 5. The Gnome (Dat Erdmanneken) 297 6. The King of the Golden Mountain (Der Konig vom goldenen Berg) 301 7. The Raven (Die Rabe) 307 8. The Clever Farmer's Daughter (Die kluge Bauemtochter) 313 9. The Genie in the Glass (Der Geist im Glas) 316 10. The Three Little Birds (De drei Vugelkens) 319 11. The Water of Life (Das Wasser des Lebens) 324 12. Doctor Know-It-All (Doctor Allwissend) 329 13. The Frog Prince (Der Froschprinz) 331 14. The Devil's Sooty Brother (Des Teufels russiger Bruder) 333 15. The Devil in the Green Coat (Der Teufel Grunrock) 337 16. The Wren and the Bear (Der Zaunkonig und der Bar) 340 17. The Sweet Porridge (Vom sussen Brei) 343 18. The Faithful Animals (Die treuen Thiere) 343 19. Tales about Toads (Mahrchen von der Unke) 347 20. The Poor Miller's Apprentice and the Cat (Der arme Mullerbursch und das Katzchen) 348 21. The Crows (Die Krahen) 351 22. Hans My Hedgehog (Hans mein Igel) 354 23. The Little Shroud (Das Todtenhemdchen) 360 24. The Jew in the Thornbush (Der Jud' im Dorn) 360 25. The Expert Huntsman (Der gelernte Jager) 363 26. The Fleshing Flail from Heaven (Der Dresschpflegel vom Himmel) 368 27. The Children of the Two Kings (De beiden Kunnigeskinner) 369 28. The Clever Little Tailor (Vom klugen Schneiderlein) 377 29. The Bright Sun Will Bring It to Light (Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag) 380 30. The Blue Light (Das blaue Licht) 383 31. The Stubborn Child (Von einem eigensinnigen Kinde) 386 32. The Three Army Surgeons (Die drei Feldscherer) 386 33. The Lazy One and the Industrious One (Der Faule und der Fleissige) 389 34. The Three Journeymen (Die drei Handwerksburschen) 390 35. The Heavenly Wedding (Die himmlische Hochzeit) 394 36. The Long Nose (Die lange Nase) 395 37. The Old Woman in the Forest (Die Alte im Wald) 401 38. The Three Brothers (Die drei Bruder) 403 39. The Devil and His Grandmother (Der Teufel und seine Grossmutter) 405 40. Faithful Ferdinand and Unfaithful Ferdinand (Ferenand getru und Ferenand ungetru) 408 41. The Iron Stove (Der Eisen-Ofen) 413 42. The Lazy Spinner (Die faule Spinnerin) 418 43. The Lion and the Frog (Der Lowe und der Frosch) 420 44. The Soldier and the Carpenter (Der Soldat und der Schreiner) 422 45. Pretty Katrinelya and Pif-Paf-Poltree (Die schone Katrinelje und Pif, Paf, Poltrie) 428 46. The Fox and the Horse (Der Fuchs und das Pferd) 430 47. The Worn-out Dancing Shoes (Die zertanzten Schuhe) 431 48. The Six Servants (Die sechs Diener) 435 49. The White Bride and the Black Bride (Die weisse und schwarze Braut) 440 50. The Wild Man (De wilde Mann) 444 51. The Three Black Princesses (De drei schwatten Princessinnen) 448 52. Knoist and His Three Sons (Knoist un sine dre Suhne) 450 53. The Maiden from Brakel (Dat Maken von Brakel) 450 54. The Domestic Servants (Das Hausgesinde) 451 55. Little Lamb and Little Fish (Das Lammchen und Fischchen) 452 56. Sesame Mountain (Simeliberg) 454 57. The Children of Famine (Die Kinder in Hungersnoth) 456 58. The Little Donkey (Das Eselein) 456 59. The Ungrateful Son (Der undankbare Sohn) 461 60. The Turnip (Die Rube) 461 61. The Rejuvenated Little Old Man (Das junggegluhte Mannlein) 464 62. The Animals of the Lord and the Devil (Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier) 466 63. The Beam (Der Hahnenbalken) 467 64. The Old Beggar Woman (Die alte Bettelfrau) 467 65. The Three Lazy Sons (Die drei Faulen) 468 66. Saint Solicitous (Die heilige Frau Kummerniss) 469 67. The Tale about the Land of Cockaigne (Das Marchen vom Schlauaffenland) 469 68. The Tall Tale from Ditmarsh (Das Dietmarsische Lugen-Marchen) 470 69. A Tale with a Riddle (Rathsel-Marchen) 471 70. The Golden Key (Der goldene Schlussel) 471 List of Contributors and Informants 475 Notes to Volumes I and II 479 Index of Tales 517

The Ramayana of Valmiki: The Complete English Translation

Robert P. Goldman

Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia

Timothy Frye

Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia

Timothy Frye

Welcome to the Universe: An Astrophysical Tour

Neil deGrasse Tyson
Preface 11 Part I Stars, Planets, and Life 15 1 The Size and Scale of the Universe 17 Neil deGrasse Tyson 2 From the Day and Night Sk y to Planetary Orbits 26 Neil deGrasse Tyson 3 Newton's Laws 42 Michael A. Strauss 4 How Stars Radiate Energy (I) 54 Neil deGrasse Tyson 5 How Stars Radiate Energy (II ) 71 Neil deGrasse Tyson 6 Stellar Spectra 81 Neil deGrasse Tyson 7 The Lives and Deaths of Stars (I) 93 Neil deGrasse Tyson 8 The Lives and Deaths of Stars (II ) 111 Michael A. Strauss 9 Why Pluto Is Not a Planet 126 Neil deGrasse Tyson 10 The Search for Life in the Galaxy 146 Neil deGrasse Tyson Part II Galaxies 171 11 The Interstellar Medium 173 Michael A. Strauss 12 Our Milk y Way 183 Michael A. Strauss 13 The Universe of Galaxies 197 Michael A. Strauss 14 The Expansion of the Universe 207 Michael A. Strauss 15 The Early Universe 222 Michael A. Strauss 16 Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes 241 Michael A. Strauss Part III Einstein and the Universe 255 17 Einstein's Road to Relativity 257 J. Richard Gott 18 Implications of Special Relativity 270 J. Richard Gott 19 Einstein's General Theory of Relativity 289 J. Richard Gott 20 Black Holes 300 J. Richard Gott 21 Cosmic Strings, Wormholes, and Time Travel 321 J. Richard Gott 22 The Shape of the Universe and the Big Bang 347 J. Richard Gott 23 Inflation and Recent Developments in Cosmology 374 J. Richard Gott 24 Our Future in the Universe 400 J. Richard Gott Acknowledgments 425 Appendix 1 Derivation of E = mc 2 427 Appendix 2 Bekenstein, Entropy of Black Holes, and Information 431 Notes 433 Suggested Reading 439 Index 441