
Wide Eyed Editions

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Africana: An encyclopedia of an amazing continent

Mayowa Alabi

An Atlas of Lost Kingdoms: Discover Mythical Lands, Lost Cities and Vanished Islands

Emily Hawkins

Ancient World Magnified

David Long

Atlas of Dinosaur Adventures: Step Into a Prehistoric World

Emily Hawkins

Atlas of Dinosaur Adventures: Step Into a Prehistoric World

Emily Hawkins

Atlas of Ocean Adventures: A Collection of Natural Wonders, Marine Marvels and Undersea Antics from Across the Globe

Lucy Letherland
Embark on an undersea adventure PACIFIC OCEAN Aerial Acrobatics with the Spinner Dolphins, Hawaii Long-Haul Travel with the Leatherback Turtle, Mid-Pacific Snoozing with the Sea Otters, USA Lunching on Lanternfish, Costa Rica Gathering with the Hammerheads, Cocos Island Dancing with the Blue-Footed Boobies, Galapagos Islands Sheltering with the Clownfish, Australia Cracking Clams with the Tuskfish, Australia Hiding Away with the Sea Dragons, Australia Luring Prey with the Anglerfish, Mariana Trench ATLANTIC OCEAN Hunting with the Great White Sharks, South Africa Putting up a Fight with the Octopus, South Africa Stinging with the Man-of-War, Canary Islands Feasting with the Whale Sharks, Mexico Taking off with the Flying Fish, The Caribbean Rock-Hopping with the Sally Lightfoot Crabs, Brazil Migrating with the Magellanic Penguins, Argentina Coming Home with the Albatrosses, South Georgia Island INDIAN OCEAN Lurking with the Saltwater Crocodile, Andaman Islands Crunching Coral with the Parrotfish, Thailand Setting an Ambush with the Bobbit Worm, Indonesia Island Hopping with the White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Indonesia Putting on a Show with the Cuttlefish, Australia Puffing Up with the Porcupine Fish, The Maldives Launching with the Giant Trevallies, The Seychelles Giving Birth with the Seahorse, Madagascar SOUTHERN OCEAN Soaring with the Shearwaters, Auckland Islands Fighting with the Elephant Seals, South Orkney Islands Battling with the Colossal Squid, Ross Sea ARCTIC OCEAN Ice-Bathing with the Walrus, Svalbard Deep-Diving with the Thick-Billed Murre, Canada Journeying North with the Blue Whale, Greenland Oceans in Danger Can You Find? Index

Atlas of Ocean Adventures: A Collection of Natural Wonders, Marine Marvels and Undersea Antics from Across the Globe

Lucy Letherland
Embark on an undersea adventure PACIFIC OCEAN Aerial Acrobatics with the Spinner Dolphins, Hawaii Long-Haul Travel with the Leatherback Turtle, Mid-Pacific Snoozing with the Sea Otters, USA Lunching on Lanternfish, Costa Rica Gathering with the Hammerheads, Cocos Island Dancing with the Blue-Footed Boobies, Galapagos Islands Sheltering with the Clownfish, Australia Cracking Clams with the Tuskfish, Australia Hiding Away with the Sea Dragons, Australia Luring Prey with the Anglerfish, Mariana Trench ATLANTIC OCEAN Hunting with the Great White Sharks, South Africa Putting up a Fight with the Octopus, South Africa Stinging with the Man-of-War, Canary Islands Feasting with the Whale Sharks, Mexico Taking off with the Flying Fish, The Caribbean Rock-Hopping with the Sally Lightfoot Crabs, Brazil Migrating with the Magellanic Penguins, Argentina Coming Home with the Albatrosses, South Georgia Island INDIAN OCEAN Lurking with the Saltwater Crocodile, Andaman Islands Crunching Coral with the Parrotfish, Thailand Setting an Ambush with the Bobbit Worm, Indonesia Island Hopping with the White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Indonesia Putting on a Show with the Cuttlefish, Australia Puffing Up with the Porcupine Fish, The Maldives Launching with the Giant Trevallies, The Seychelles Giving Birth with the Seahorse, Madagascar SOUTHERN OCEAN Soaring with the Shearwaters, Auckland Islands Fighting with the Elephant Seals, South Orkney Islands Battling with the Colossal Squid, Ross Sea ARCTIC OCEAN Ice-Bathing with the Walrus, Svalbard Deep-Diving with the Thick-Billed Murre, Canada Journeying North with the Blue Whale, Greenland Oceans in Danger Can You Find? Index

Baby Young, Gifted, and Black: With a Mirror!

Jamia Wilson

Big Ideas For Young Thinkers: 20 questions about life and the universe

Jamia Wilson
An inclusive philosophy book for the next generation of young thinkers.

Brilliant Ideas From Wonderful Women: 15 incredible inventions from inspiring women!

Aitziber Lopez
What do Monopoly, wifi and lifeboats have in common? They were all invented by women! Brilliant Ideas From Wonderful Women tells the inspiring stories of 14 women and their important inventions.

Built by Animals: Meet the creatures who inspire our homes and cities

Christiane Dorion